Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fimbristylis cymosa

Fimbristylis cymosa (Cyperaceae) is one of the commonest Fimbristylis species seen in Hong Kong especially in the coastal or sandy shores. The height of the plant can be varied quite much which is ranged from about 10 to 40 cm. It has a compound inflorescence with relatively small spickelets. I roughly measured over 10 spickelets from several individuals and most of them are about 3 mm. One of the easiest way to distinguish this species from many other Fimbristylis is that it produces blackish nuts which gives its Chinese name "黑果飄拂草" (literally means black-nut Fimbristylis). Though some publications stated that its stigma is either bifid or trifid, so far I could only find the bifid one but none of them are trifid. I will correct myself if I did find the latter.

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